wh0 am i

I sit in the terrace, gazing at the starry sky, 
and think ab0ut the answer t0 the questi0n, "Wh0 am i??"
I am a girl wh0 wants to be young forever, 
but i'm a girl wh0 als0 wants t0 gr0w up and be some0ne that every0ne will remember
I'm a girl who wants t0 stay in the pr0tected w0rld my parents have built f0r me
but i'm als0 a girl wh0 wants t0 t0uch the sky and break free
I want t0 be happy and dance in the rain
but i als0 wanna cry f0r the unf0rtunate and feel their pain
I want t0 be wise and g0 t0wards the sun ray
but i als0 want t0 be a f0ol, trust my heart and g0 the 0ther way
I'm a girl wh0 always wants her life t0 g0 t0wards light
but i'm als0 a girl wh0 wants t0 be able t0 make it thr0ugh the night.
I always want t0 be right, win every race
but i als0 want t0 be able t0 l0se and accept it with grace
I'm a girl wh0 always wants t0 g0 up, make ends meet
but i'm als0 a girl wh0 wants t0 be able t0 fall d0wn and have the c0urage t0 get back 0n my feet
Wh0 am I? What kind of a human being? I'm right, i'm wrong, i'm everything

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